The support ministries of Antioch are ministries that support other ministries/activities/families or the general administration of Antioch. They do so when called upon and fathfully discharge their duties with love.
Our Support Ministries:
The diaconate is a ministry of service and support. It is specifically commissioned to address primarily the spiritual needs of the membership and serve the membership in other areas as needed. Each member of the congregation is "matched" with a member fo the diaconate which serves as their primary contact. The diaconate ministry is an extension of pastoral care (Acts 6:2-4).
Diaconate Famiy
Deirdre McKinley AL--CU
Bryan McKinley DA - JE
Alma Watson JO - MC
LaConna Killings ME - RO
Windel Davis SE - WY
Contact the church office to request your family diaconate's contact information.
Associate ministers are not associate pastors or assistant pastors. They are ministers who affiliate (or associate) with our church's ministry and are considered members (upon normal application and completion of new member orientation) with all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of other members within the church.
In that they are clearly a "special" classification of member, they are accountable directly to the pastor (senior minister) and will receive all assignments, directions, opportunities for service and ministerial guidance from the pastor. They should never arrogate unto themselves any authority or audacity for leading, directing, teaching, assigning, creating, initiating, assuming, inviting, committing, obligating, manipulating, or alienating any person(s), group, ministry fellowship (or part thereof), within this church (or any church for that matter) without the specific direction and blessing of the pastor.
The treasurer and the stewardship ministry are the chief custodians of all the church's funds, to include monies received, all deposits made, certificates of deposits, money market certificates, loan transactions, credit cards, and all checks or charges drawn on any of the same (all of which shall be in the name of the church).
The trustees are responsible for the actual care of the place of worship, its comfort, cleanliness, upkeep of its grounds and parking, maintenance and repair to insure compliance with local and state safety codes, zoning laws, fire regulations, etc. They additionally are charged with the ongoing task of making improvement recommendations and expansion possibilities, to include alternative places of worship and work, as the need for such dictates.
Many of the persons we seek to serve through the ministries of our church are unfortunately handicapped by their inability to get to and from the church during activities. It is the primary aim of this ministry to arrange and coordinate the safe transport of members and prospective members with such needs to and from the church in a timely and scheduled manner.
The culinary ministry provides support to the church in the event that programs and special events require the preparation and serving of food. The culinary ministry is responsible for managing the inventory, keeping the kitchen area clean, budgeting, planning, preparing, serving, and cleaning in any event.
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