Pastoral Care

Formal Pastoral Care Sessions

Pastor Hawkins completed a pastoral care specialist curriculum from JC Hodges and Associates, in Chicago, Ill. This prestigious training allows members to receive customized individual or marital support as they face life’s challenges. He is also certified with Prepare/Enrich for premarital and marital care.

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Pastoral Care Tools

Pastoral Care is not just for the pastor. Every member is part of the pastoral care team at Antioch. Here are a few tools created to help you care for others.

The Cycle of Christian Care: Christian care is a learned skill. Click the "Cycle of Christian Care" button to learn this simple approach to improve the quality of care you provide to others

Faith Stories: A faith story is a narrative that tells the story of an event, episode, or season of your life in a way that helps you process, reflect and respond in light of your relationship with God. Click the "Faith Stories" button to learn how to reflect, share and respond to faith stories.

Self and Soul Care Assessment: Caring for yourself requires assessment and reflection. The self and soul care assessment assists you in taking a bird's eye view of how well you are doing in caring for yourself and what changes need to be made. Click the Self and Soul Care Assessment to assess this assessment tool.

Cycle of Christian Care Faith Stories Self and Soul Care Assessment

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

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